Dr Liming JIANG

Dr Liming Jiang is Assistant Professor in the Department of Building Environment and Energy Building, Program Leader of MSc Fire& Safety Engineering. He joined PolyU in 2019.10 and His research interest focuses on fire-safe modern buildings with automated construction that are empowered by advanced software (OpenSees for fire and OPS-ITO) and hardware solutions (fire radar,3D printing construction).

江黎明博士, 建筑环境及能源工程学系助理教授,Fire&Safety Engineering硕士项目主任。2019年10月加入港理工,主要进行建筑火灾安全及智能化结构设计建造研究,包括建筑火灾探测与控制策略研究,OpenSees for fire 及OPS-ITO等软件平台及混合模拟试验方法研究,以及探索未来自动化结构施工解决方案。

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